Association evaluation between pharmacotherapy complexity and oral anticoagulation quality in patients using warfarin




Objective: To carry out the characterization and identification of the complexity of pharmacotherapy in patients treated in an anticoagulation clinic and associate it with the control of oral anticoagulation, through the TTR. Methods: Data collection was carried out through the application of questionnaires and prescription requests. The complexity analysis was based on the Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI), developed by George et al. (2004) and validated in Brazilian Portuguese by Melchiors, Correr and Fernandez-Llimos (2007) with the title of Pharmacotherapy Complexity Index (ICFT). Prescriptions were classified into levels of complexity according to Pantuzza et al. (2018) who considered the total MRCI value ≤9.0 points low complexity; medium complexity as 9 <total MRCI ≤ 16.5 points; and high complexity as total MRCI > 16.5 points. The TTR was calculated according to the linear interpolation method described by Rosendaal et al. (1993) and expressed as a percentage. Results: The sample consisted of 203 patients aged >18 years and on chronic warfarin use (>60 days). Most patients, 66.5%, had inadequate TTR (<60%). Conclusion: The present study allows us to infer that there is no statistically relevant association between the complexity and quality of pharmacotherapy in this population, specifically.


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How to Cite

BARROS SS, COSTA JM, ORTIZ MO, CORREIA TR, BERTOLLO CM, MARTINS MA. Association evaluation between pharmacotherapy complexity and oral anticoagulation quality in patients using warfarin. J Hosp Pharm Health Serv [Internet]. 2024Jan.8 [cited 2025Feb.23];14(4):992. Available from:




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