Profile of requests for non-standard drugs in a Brazilian’ public hospital




Objective: This is a cross-sectional retrospective study with the objective of evaluating the profile of requests for non-standard drugs requested (NSDR) at the Complexo Hospital de Clínicas of the Federal University of Paraná (CHC-UFPR) in 2021. Methods: For data collection, NSDR forms were used, which were requested by the CHC-UFPR prescriber and sent to the dispensing sector from January to December 2021. Data were collected in the Microsoft Excel program and expressed in graphs and tables. Results: 482 forms were included for analysis. Of these, 261 (54.15%) were female, with a mean age of 43.46 years, standard deviation 22.95. 139 forms were requested for the elderly and 69 for pediatrics. The month with the most requests was October (60 forms). The most requested medication was dexmedetomidine 200 mcg f/a (197 forms), followed by sugammadex 200mg f/a 2mL (88 forms). The unit that most requested NSDR was the Surgical Center (176 forms), followed by the General intensive care unit (36 forms). During the study period 35 NSDR were denied (7.26%). Results showed that 84.85% of the medications were dispensed on the same day of the request. The cost of CHC-UFPR in the year 2021 with non-standard drugs was R$ 512,033.82 (US$ 104,306). Most drugs (71.43%) are not incorporated into the SUS. Conclusion: The study showed that the drug dexmedetomidine was the most requested in the year 2021, so it is a strong candidate for standardization. Therefore, it is concluded that the list of standardized drugs must be constantly reviewed and updated to include new drugs. Thus, the analysis of requests for non-standardized drugs is an important tool for consulting potential candidates for standardization.


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How to Cite

RIBEIRO L, FÁVERO ML, WIENS A. Profile of requests for non-standard drugs in a Brazilian’ public hospital. J Hosp Pharm Health Serv [Internet]. 2023Sep.21 [cited 2025Feb.23];14(3):916. Available from:

