Use of potentially inappropriate medication by older adults in a southern municipality of Minas Gerais: prevalence study
Objectives: to analyze the frequency of use of potentially inappropriate medications by the older adults in primary care in a municipality in the south of Minas Gerais and to determine the associated factors. Methods: cross-sectional observational study carried out in primary health care units in a city in the south of Minas Gerais. Potentially inappropriate medications for the older adults were classified according to the American Geriatric Society/ Beers 2019 Criteria. Descriptive analysis was performed with determination of absolute and relative frequency and dispersion measures. The association between the use of potentially inappropriate medications by the older adults and the independent variables was verified using Pearson’s chi-square test. Variables that were associated with the use of potentially inappropriate medications by the older adults with p<0.20 were included in the initial multiple logistic regression model. The selection of variables to be included in the final model was defined by the Backward method The magnitude of the association was estimated by the Odds Ratio. The adequacy of the final models was evaluated using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Results: A total of 436 elderly patients aged 60 years and over were included in the study. The frequency of potentially inappropriate medications by the older adults use was 47.7%. The most use potentially inappropriate medications by the older adults classes were proton pump inhibitors; long-acting benzodiazepines, including clonazepam and diazepam; and the antidepressants amitriptyline, clomipramine, imipramine and nortriptyline. Logistic regression showed a positive association of potentially inappropriate medications by the older adults use with polypharmacy, absence of a partner, presence in two or more consultations in the last six months. Regarding the presence of potentially inappropriate drugs for the older adults in the Municipal List of Drugs in the city of this study, 48 drugs were identified, which corresponds to 43.6% of the total number of standardized drugs in the city. Conclusions: The frequency of potentially inappropriate medications by the older adults use in primary care in the city investigated was high. This study can help health professionals that work in primary care in decision-making, helping to ensure the medication safety for the older adults.
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