Antiretroviral therapy: factors related to lack of adherence




Objective: to analyze the profile of patients with HIV/AIDS being followed up at a Specialized Care Service and their adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Methods: cross-sectional and descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, carried out in August and September 2020, in Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará. Voluntary recruitment took place during pharmaceutical care in a reserved room and an adapted form and Morisky’s Therapeutic Adherence Scale were used. Results: 95 patients were interviewed, of which 58.9% (n= 56) were male. There was a predominance of young adults aged 21 to 30 years, 34.7% (n= 33) and with more than 12 years of schooling, 57.9% (n= 55); 60.0% (n= 57) were born in the metropolitan region and 81.1% (n= 77) live in the capital. 60.0% (n= 57) reported having been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS between 1 and 5 years ago; 74.7% (n= 71) had an undetectable viral load (<50 copies/mL), however 22.1% (n= 21) did not have up-to-date exams. Most patients (n=86) do not remember the names of the drugs they use. 13.7% (n=13) stated that they stopped taking the medication when they felt sad and 12.6% (n=12) for consuming alcohol. The forgetting factor was the most reported 80.0% (n= 76). Along with this, 91.5% (n=87) reported that pharmaceutical care helps a lot in drug orientation. In assessing adherence to treatment, 41.1% (n=39) had low adherence, with a score of less than 6. Conclusion: poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy may be associated with several factors. The study demonstrates the importance of the pharmacist in improving acceptance of treatment.


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2024-01-08 — Updated on 2023-12-30

How to Cite

ARAÚJO AF, BRAGA ED, ARAUJO AS, SARTURI DK, ARAÚJO IG, ROMEU GA. Antiretroviral therapy: factors related to lack of adherence. J Hosp Pharm Health Serv [Internet]. 2023Dec.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];14(4):1018. Available from:




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