The pharmacoepidemiologic profile of a cardiology intensive care unit as a tool for standardization of a clinical pharmacy service




Objective: To describe the pharmacoepidemiologic profile of the cardiology intensive care unit (CICU) of a public university hospital as a way to contribute to planning, implementation and standardization of the clinical pharmacy service. Methods: A cross-sectional and retrospective study conducted at a public teaching hospital and developed in accordance with the recommendations of Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement. All medication orders made for patients admitted to the CICU (drug, dose, administration route, dosage) were included for analysis, in addition to data related to the patients' profile and to the hospitalizations (age, gender, hospitalization time). As a premise of analysis, indicators recommended by the literature on pharmacoepidemiology were used. The data were extracted from the hospital information system (Sistema de Informação Hospitalar, SIH) corresponding to the period from January 2015 to December 2019. They were subsequently compiled and analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel®, with analysis by means of descriptive statistics. Results: The study population consisted of 2,157 patients (51.3% male), with a mean age of 64 years old (SD ± 12.5) and mean hospitalization time of 4.5 days. 69.4% of the admissions were transferred to other hospitalization units, 24.6% were discharged from hospital and 6.0% evolved to death. The reasons for hospitalization were Acute Coronary Syndrome (44.6%), heart failure (9.7%), arrhythmias (4.9%), atrioventricular block (3.7%), valve stenosis (1.9%), cardiogenic shock (0.8%) and cardiac arrest with resuscitation (0.6%). The total number of medications prescribed was 175,573, with a daily rate of 96.2. A total of 468 medications were prescribed in different presentations, with Dipyrone 1g ampoule as the most prescribed item accounting for a total of 10,688 units (6.1%). Conclusion: The study contributed to characterizing the pharmacoepidemiologic profile of the cardiology intensive care unit with the purpose of presenting consistent data that will allow improving the clinical pharmacy service in its implementation and standardization.


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How to Cite

PINHEIRO TO, SILVEIRA MA, ZONZINI FH, MENDES AM. The pharmacoepidemiologic profile of a cardiology intensive care unit as a tool for standardization of a clinical pharmacy service. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2023Sep.27 [cited 2025Feb.22];14(3):934. Available from:

