Comparative economic analysis between drugs available in primary health care and in the Popular Pharmacy Program of Brazil in a Brazilian capital




Objective: To compare public expenditures on medications distributed in Primary Health Care through the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) with those provided by the PFPB in the city of Porto Alegre, RS. Methods: A cross-sectional economic analysis was conducted by examining the items available through the Municipal List of Essential Medications (REMUME) for the year 2020 and extracting data from the local bidding processes. The calculation factor considered the annual value of committed medications and the annual structural and human resource costs associated with maintaining all stages of pharmaceutical care, from procurement to medication dispensation, as detailed in the municipal management report. PFPB costs, in Brazilian Reais and US Dollars per pharmaceutical unit, for the same items available in the SUS, were determined in accordance with Ministry of Health ordinances No. 2,898 of November 3, 2021, and No. 5 of September 28, 2017. Results: A total of 16 medications were selected, and the overall difference between the costs incurred by the Municipal Government of Porto Alegre (PMPA) and the estimated costs of the PFPB amounted to R$ 6,503,221.20 ($1,245,827.82), approximately 1.77 times the annual cost incurred by the PMPA for all stages of pharmaceutical care, from procurement to medication dispensation. Sodium alendronate 70 mg was found to be the primary contributor to the cost differential among access to medications. In terms of annual expenditures, simvastatin 20 mg was identified as the medication incurring the highest costs for both the PMPA and the PFPB. Conclusion: The study revealed higher medication expenditures through the PFPB. The variance in logistical stages of medication distribution could be redirected towards expanding pharmaceutical services and improving structural aspects in Primary Health Care, thereby contributing to Rational Medication Use. This, in turn, may result in reduced costs associated with the treatment of medication-related morbidities.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA LA, PEDRAZZA GP, BELTRAMI NM, GNATTA D. Comparative economic analysis between drugs available in primary health care and in the Popular Pharmacy Program of Brazil in a Brazilian capital. J Hosp Pharm Health Serv [Internet]. 2024Jan.8 [cited 2025Feb.22];14(4):911. Available from:




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