Analysis of suspected adverse reactions to anesthetic drugs during cesarean delivery in a cohort of women from a teaching maternity hospital in Ceará (Brazil)




Objective: To analyze and describe post-surgical adverse events in pregnant women treated at a teaching maternity hospital in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará. Methods: Cross-sectional, quantitative study. Medical records and interviews of women in the postpartum cesarean section were used, in a teaching maternity hospital, in the city of Fortaleza, in the state of Ceará. All patients submitted to the anesthesia application technique were selected. The materials used for this research and the specific data were determined such as variables, education, complications, habits, allergies, pre-existing diseases, medications, reactions and applied procedures. Results: The research included 88 patients. Most patients are aged between 20 and 29 years, 46.59% (n= 41), and 30 to 39 years, 42.05% (n= 37). The predominant type of anesthesia was the spinal epidural used in 93% (n= 82) of the patients. Post-anesthetic reactions were: flatulence 22.63% (n= 55), itchy face 17.69% (n= 43) and vomiting 10.29% (n= 25). Bupivacaine was the only anesthesia used in all women who underwent cesarean section, 100% (n=88). Adjunctive drugs were used, such as morphine 97.72% (n= 86) and fentanyl 55.68% (n=49). The patients’ adverse events were mild 62.50% (n= 55) to moderate 37.50% (n= 33). Conclusion: The pregnant women received the same anesthetic (bupivacaine), and presented some reactions such as headache, flatulence, facial itching and vomiting. These data reinforce the importance of follow-up by the pharmacist to minimize possible adverse reactions and drug interactions. Furthermore, it is important to use pharmacovigilance resources as a tool for adverse pharmacological events. It is suggested to deepen the analysis for a longer period of time and cover the population of high-risk pregnant women in Ceará.


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How to Cite

SILVA IG, DIÓGENES RS, ARAÚJO IG, LIMA AM, MORAIS AC. Analysis of suspected adverse reactions to anesthetic drugs during cesarean delivery in a cohort of women from a teaching maternity hospital in Ceará (Brazil). Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2022Dec.27 [cited 2025Feb.22];13(4):843. Available from:

