Analysis of the compliance of Prescription of High Alert Medication for Onco-hematologic Patients in a Teaching Hospital




requirements of the Protocol for Prescription, Use and Administration of Medicines from Ministry of Health. Method: Cross-sectional study, with prescriptions for onco-hematologic patients in a university teaching unit in the Midwest region of Brazil. The variables were defined as recommended by the Ministry of Health protocol. Data were analyzed using STATA 14.1 software. Results: 57 prescriptions were analyzed and a total of 659 medications were prescribed, of which 20.2% (n=133) were HAM. The most prescribed HAM were tramadol 21.0% (n=28), morphine 19.5% (n=26) and glucose 13.6% (n=18). Regarding non-compliance, 88.0% (n=117) of HAM showed at least one disagreement regarding protocol. Medications prescribed for the central nervous system were the most associated with non-compliance. In all, 266 non-compliance were identified, among which the majority, 18.4% (n=49) were related to the use of vague expressions, 16.2% (n=43) to the absence of infusion time and 11.8% (n=31) the presence of abbreviations. Conclusion: Most HAM prescriptions showed non-compliance regarding Ministry of Health protocol. The main were related to the inappropriate use of vague expressions, omission of infusion time and use of abbreviations. These findings highlight the need to improve the quality of prescriptions and the development of strategies to intercept errors, such as checklists and informational materials.


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How to Cite

MOREIRA PR, FARIAS LT, FERREIRA TM, SILVA LT, MAGALHÃES JC, SOUSA PC, MODESTO AC. Analysis of the compliance of Prescription of High Alert Medication for Onco-hematologic Patients in a Teaching Hospital. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2022Dec.6 [cited 2025Feb.22];13(4):836. Available from:

